I created AWS DocumentDb and inserted queries

I created AWS DocumentDb and inserted queries

Clock Icon2022.09.19


Introduction AWS DocumentDB

Amazon DocumentDB is a scalable, highly durable, and fully managed database service for operating mission-critical MongoDB workloads.

Amazon DocumentDB is compatible with MongoDB compatibility. It is a fast, scalable, highly available, and fully managed document database service that supports MongoDB workloads and makes storing, querying, and indexing JSON data simple.

Step 1: Create an AWS Cloud9 environment

  1. From the AWS Management Console navigate to the AWS Cloud9 console and choose to Create environment .



Step 2: Create a security group

This security group will enable you to connect to your Amazon DocumentDB cluster from your AWS Cloud9 environment.

  1. On the  Amazon EC2 Management Console , under  Network and Security , choose  Security groups .

  1. For the Security group name , enter the Name.
  2. Enter a Description
  3. For the VPC, accept the default VPC
  4. Choose Add rule and enter a port range

Step 3: create DocumentDB cluster

  1. On the Amazon DocumentDB management console, under  Clusters , choose Create .
  2. Choose 1 for the  Number of instances . Choosing one instance helps minimize costs. If this were a production system, it is recommended to provision 3 instances for high availability. 
  3. In the  Authentication  section, enter a username and password.
  4. In the  Network Settings  section, for  VPC security groups , choose  demoDocDB .
  5. Choose  Create cluster .


Step 4: Install the mongo shell

You will now install the mongo shell in your AWS Cloud9 environment that you created in Step 1. The mongo shell is a command-line utility that you use to connect and query your Amazon DocumentDB cluster.

At the command prompt, create the repository file with the following command:

echo -e "[mongodb-org-4.0] \nname=MongoDB Repository\nbaseurl=https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/amazon/2013.03/mongodb-org/4.0/x86_64/\ngpgcheck=1 \nenabled=1 \ngpgkey=https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-4.0.asc" | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-4.0.repo

When it is complete, install the mongo shell with the following command:

sudo yum install -y mongodb-org-shell

To encrypt data in transit, download the public key for Amazon DocumentDB.

wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/rds-downloads/rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem

Step 5: Connect to your Amazon DocumentDB cluster

On the Amazon DocumentDB management console, under Clusters, locate your cluster. Choose the cluster you created by clicking on the cluster identifier.

In the  Connectivity and Security  tab, under  Connect to this cluster with the mongo shell , copy the connection string provided. Omit copying  <insertYourPassword> so that you are prompted for the password by the mongo shell when you connect.

Paste the code in the AWS Cloud9 environment

Step 6: Insert and query data

Let's insert and query data

To insert a single document, enter the following:

You get the following output:
First, insert entries into a collection titled entries.
db.entries.insertMany([ { "_id" : 1, "name" : "Matt", "status": "active", "level": 12, "score":202}, { "_id" : 2, "name" : "Frank", "status": "inactive", "level": 2, "score":9}, { "_id" : 3, "name" : "Karen", "status": "active", "level": 7, "score":87}, { "_id" : 4, "name" : "Katie", "status": "active", "level": 3, "score":27} ])


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